Right Words, Right Heart

Brethren, there are always hurdles that are difficult to cross in our lives. And many a times, it’s neither by our positive mindset nor the exercising of our self-will that could bring things to pass. Yet, God has given us the Holy Spirit (the Person of Jesus) who transcends all our inability.

So Be Still, find the Right Words, pray with the Right Heart!

1) When losing something/someone becomes a reality, pray to Jesus: Lord, I felt the loss, but I felt your love.

2) When submission is juz so difficult, pray to Jesus: Lord, I know it’s impossible with me, but let it be possible in you. 

3) When the condemnation of sin is so great, pray to Jesus: Lord, I am born a sinner and I’m still one, yet thank you that I begin to comprehend your grace.  

4) When temptation is so real, pray to Jesus: Lord, it’s beyond me, yet protect me for your name’s sake.

5) When loving someone is juz too difficult, pray to Jesus: Lord, my flesh doesn’t allow me to, but I know when I truly love you, it will be the only thing I wanna be.

6) When bracing up again is so difficult, pray to Jesus: Lord, if I’m gonna fail again, let me fail in you.

7) When the damage is done and consequences are inevitable, pray to Jesus: Lord, let me fall into your merciful hands, and be disciplined by you.

8) When little problems and worries of life juz get so frustrating, pray to Jesus: Lord, mould me to be someone with vision, coupled with a big heart. 

9) When life seems so cruel, pray to Jesus: Lord, thank you for letting me realize the pain of the cross.

10) When success is over your head, pray to Jesus: Lord, I have no success other than you. Let me rejoice in you alone.  

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